Negative Energy Removal Specialist in Sydney Australia

Call on +61405238555

Astrologer Ram Prasad is a negative energy removal service in Sydney, providing the most accurate and detailed love assessment to make your destiny more powerful and provide stability in life. Regardless of your background, if you feel that you are being affected by an external negative energy or force, or if you are here on behalf of someone else. Please continue reading the rest of this site and if you need help contact me. I do not perform exorcisms in the traditional sense of the word, I do not recite words from the Bible, the Koran or any other holy book, nor do I use religious paraphernalia such as the Christian cross or even Native American stain sticks. I capture negative energy and eliminate it forever.

To do this I go to his realm of existence, often called the astral. I enter his Australia, leaving my body behind in the physical realm. Regardless of whether you are in the room with me or on the other side of the world, the process is exactly the same, all my work is done in the astral. To understand this, in fact, to understand all my work, all you need to remember is that everything in the universe is made of energy! One of the biggest challenges anyone faces when working with any form of energy, negative or positive, is being able to discern exactly what they are dealing with at all times. Using a technique of psychic discrimination that I was first taught 17 years ago, I am able to discern exactly what kind of negative or otherwise energy I am dealing with. To do this, I use a Universal Law that cannot break any energy, however powerful, negative or positive. This allows me to discern exactly what I am dealing with under any circumstances.

To capture and eliminate negative energy. I use a unique method developed and refined in the last 15 years, this involves creating precisely what could be described as a vibration of multiple geometric shape within a boundary space. Limit space can be used to capture and contain negative energy during or before removal, it can be used to keep negative energy out of any environment, regardless of whether it is a human, a building, or a place. It works equally on the physical or non-physical plane, allowing me to move freely between the two at will. Depending on the type of negative energy contained, I pass it to a group of high-level guides (subtle non-physical positive energy life forms) for processing or elimination, or treat it myself. Allowing me to guarantee that no negative energy once captured can return.

